FASST Burn (Adult Fitness)

FASST BURN is a new innovative, high-energy adult class that is never boring and produces FASST results. FASST BURN classes will be short, sweet, creative, and challenging but also inspiring. Also, its FASST upbeat tempo will have you burning a crazy amount of calories, which in return will help you produce the FASTEST results.
This team-like environment is all about being a part of a MOVEMENT to help improve overall health and fitness while holding each other accountable and having fun. This program will also be packed with many other benefits/incentives from online availability, nutritional guidance, educational workshops, seminars, coach access and several other resources.
So if you're looking to burn those stubborn calories, and lose weight, while getting stronger in the safest, effective, and FASTEST way possible, then sign up NOW and join the FASST BURN MOVEMENT!
We promise You won’t regret it!

$150.00/4 weeks

Why Join

Always feeling tired
Lacking motivation
Stressed out about what all to do when going to the gym
Working with limited time
Need accountability
Or just Finding the right results-proven program to JOIN
Well let's eliminate all these EXCUSES NOW and Join our New FASST BURN Adult Program

$150.00/4 weeks